Faith Baptist Church has many opportunities for you to study the Bible with others. Each Sunday beginning at 9:45 a.m. Sunday School classes are offered for all ages. Faith Baptist has a Bible Study class for everyone each Sunday.
The curriculum used in Sunday School is from LifeWay, which is the publishing division of the Southern Baptist Convention. Bible Study groups can also choose to do independent verse-by-verse study of a book of the Bible or special studies driven by current issues, topics, or themes.
Wednesday nights at Faith Baptist provides a more relaxed time then on a Sunday morning at church. Children (Pre-K through 5th grade) are involved in Team Faith Kids which is a Bible based teaching ministry. Team Faith Kids is a fun ministry that helps kids to know Jesus and to grow in a relationship with Him. The children are involved in Scripture memory, mission activities, life application and recreation games. Team Faith Kids activities are planned to teach life lessons to children. They meet from 6:00 p.m.-7:30 p.m. in the Multi-Space Area.
Upward Faith Youth (grades 6-12) meet on Wednesdays during the Quitman ISD school year from 6:00 p.m.-7:30 p.m. in the Student Center. Youth spend time hanging out together finishing the evening with Worship and Bible Study led by Associate Pastor/Worship Leader/Student Minister Jarrod Yeager.
Adults can attend on Wednesday’s a Bible Study class from 6:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. in the Faith Bible Sunday School Class which is located off the foyer of the Worship Center. Pastor Mike Midkiff is the leader of this class. The time is spent studying the Bible with questions about the text and interaction highly encouraged.
Small Bible Group studies are encouraged by any group to form and to study God’s word anytime during the week. In the Fall and Spring, a Ladies Bible Study group meets on Tuesday mornings at 10:00 a.m. at the church. Call the church office (903-492-3535) to see if the group is in between studies or presently meeting each week.
The Sunday School classes are organized either by age, or by the stages of life of the learners. Here is how it is organized:
Nursery: Infants-Two-year-old’s
Pre-kindergarten: Three & Four-year-old’s
Kindergarten and First Grade
Grades Two and Three
Grades Four and Five
Junior High Sixth-Eighth grades
High School Ninth-12th grades
Harvesters: Young Adults (18-45 years, Bible Studies for Life)
BYKOTA Class (40-65 years, Bible Studies for Life)
Faith Bible Study (Adult class, verse by verse study, all ages welcomed)
Faithful Servants (55-100 years, Bible Studies for Life)
Sojourners (55-100 years, Explore the Bible)
Ages for adult classes are only used as guidelines for those to select a class to be involved in. Those attending Sunday School are encouraged to seek the class that will help them grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ.
Bible Studies for Life provides classes a Bible Study tracking real life issues with timeless truth of God’s Word. The curriculum helps build deeper community around God’s Word.
Explore the Bible is a Book-by-book Bible study that takes participants deep into the context of God’s Word and challenges them to live it out in their own context. This curriculum is a study of all 66 books of the Bible at a steady, practical pace with an emphasis of understanding and applying the text in context.